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Disney College Program

In February I found out I got the opportunity to participate in the Disney College Program. I somehow managed to accept a summer offer so that way I could come back to school in the fall to participate in Resident Advisor training, sorority recruitment, and other welcome week activities. Just in the past two months I feel like I have changed completely as a person. I feel like working for a big company and seeing how I can be a part of a bigger impact to help create special moments for families across the country has affected me in a specific way that not everyone gets to see. I feel that during my time here I have learned a lot about my own happiness and what I value in life and it is very different from how I thought it would be. When I am at school I am always busy and doing something so I feel like I do not have the time to simply reflect on my own life, values, and beliefs on a daily basis. However, I feel like in Florida I have learned how to enjoy the quiet and reflect on my year, school, and my relationships with people. I think that I am in the process of figuring out what I want to do after college and part of me thinks that a future could be at Disney but part of me thinks I want to leave the country and travel. I think I want to work at Disneyland Paris eventually. I think my next goal is going to be learning French or another language so that way I can hopefully get some international travel in while I am still young and in college. Another goal I would like to work towards is getting an internship with Disney. While I have definitely not loved everything about the Disney College Program, I think an internship would enhance some of the skills I have already been working on and hopefully help me to secure a job at Disney after college. While I have been at Disney I have been taking many photos of the things that I have done and wanted to share a few of them here! There will be a brief description underneath of what is going on in the photo and who I am with. I am super excited to get back to school and see all my friends and advisors again and cannot wait to see what my junior year has in store for me.

Max and I

A friend and I during Earidescent Evenings, A celebration for cast members

Morimoto Dinner

A super yummy dinner at Morimoto Asia at Disney Springs

Rise of the Resistance ride

A bit of the Preshow for the new Star Wars ride 'Rise of the Resistance'

Emma and I

My amazing Community Coordinator and I, she visited me at work one day!

Olaf meet and greet

Got to meet some amazing characters like Olaf!

Castle Fireworks

Some close up shots of the amazing fireworks show at Magic Kingdom

Froot Loops Shake

A super delicious fruit loops shake at Epcot on a hot day

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